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Apple Vision Pro: Exploring the Business Potential of Spatial Computing

post tistory 2023. 7. 29.

Apple Vision Pro: Exploring the Business Potential of Spatial Computing

Apple's latest release, Vision Pro, offers a glimpse into the future of spatial computing with its AR glasses. While primarily geared towards entertainment, some companies are already delving into the business applications of this cutting-edge device.


apple - vision pro


In June, Apple unveiled Vision Pro, showcasing a variety of entertainment applications, from front-row sports viewing to escaping from 3D dinosaurs. However, beyond its consumer-oriented branding, Apple is subtly hinting at the potential usability of Vision Pro in the business environment.


While other vendors like Meta, Google, and Magic Leap have explicitly targeted their AR and VR devices for enterprise use, Apple has traditionally focused less on the business sector.


Tom Mainelli, Group Vice President of Devices and Consumer Research at IDC, stated, "Apple did mention some consumer use cases, but considering its high price, it's evident that Apple is also eyeing the potential business applications of Vision Pro."


Vision Pro as an Extension or Replacement for Desktop PCs

Leo Gebbie, Senior Analyst for Connected Devices at CCS Insight, suggested that positioning Vision Pro as an enterprise headset involves presenting it as an extension or replacement for existing desktop PCs or laptops. Apple's VisionOS allows access to multiple virtual screens in augmented reality environments, while the headset's "pass-through" feature enables users to view their surroundings. Apple's Magic Keyboard and trackpad can be utilized for eye and hand tracking, as well as interactions with apps.

Mainelli mentioned, "One immediate use case in the business sector is the ability to implement almost infinite displays. While not the most glamorous use case, it's one of the most practical in the short term."


In this virtual infinite display environment, users can utilize Apple's proprietary apps, such as the Freeform brainstorming app, Keynote presentation tool, and FaceTime for video conferencing, along with productivity apps like Zoom, Excel, Word, and Teams. As the ecosystem grows, more extensive collaboration and productivity apps are expected to become available in the future.


Other potential business use cases include collaboration features that allow designers to interact with 3D objects and onboarding and training processes for employees. Mainelli noted that both of these use cases are still early-stage applications in the VR field.


Realistic Constraints of Apple Vision Pro

However, Vision Pro does have some realistic limitations, especially in on-the-go work environments where augmented reality has already proven its value. Using Vision Pro on the move requires connecting to a battery pack, making it heavy and less practical for field workers.


Mainelli pointed out, "It's more of a fixed product than something that can be used in the field. It appears to be geared towards desk-based workers."


Gebbie also added, "It seems more suited for interactive business use cases rather than field applications."


How Business-Friendly is Apple Vision Pro?

Developing comfortable, user-friendly, and reasonably priced XR hardware has been a challenging task, even for tech giants. Despite Vision Pro's relatively high price tag (lower than some 'pro-level' headsets like Varjo and HTC), Apple has incorporated advanced components, such as a 4K resolution OLED display, to enhance the user experience, making it easier to read text within apps.


Mainelli explained, "The use of OLED displays significantly increased the price. The challenge with cheaper VR headsets is that their fidelity, even for a few hours, is not as high. Vision Pro offers a smooth user experience."


User experience is crucial for enterprise applications, an area where some competitors have struggled.


Gebbie said, "In this regard, Apple will show strength in terms of ecosystem fluidity and usability. It is advantageous for converting various workflow elements into spatial computing. Competing companies like Meta have encountered difficulties in this regard. It's a true strength that Apple possesses."


Expected Initial Demand and Future Plans for Apple Vision Pro

Despite positive reviews from early testers, the likelihood of enterprises quickly adopting Vision Pro upon release remains slim. Apple itself expects relatively limited sales (at least compared to Mac, iPad, and iPhone sales) due to production constraints and pricing. Bloomberg predicted that around 900,000 units would be sold by Q1 2024.


Gebbie projected, "Vision Pro is unlikely to replace laptops. For a headset like Vision Pro to be widely adopted in business, it will take a few more years. Today, providing a laptop that allows desk-based employees to collaborate with colleagues is sufficient. Deploying laptops with screens, keyboards, and webcams already reduces costs. However, Vision Pro carries a hefty price tag of $3,500 and requires time for employees to learn new interactions and make the most of the device."

Mainelli also observed that some "future-oriented" companies might be interested in purchasing Vision Pro upon release, but the number is likely to be small. Additionally, the market supply might be limited.


He suggested, "Large-scale deployments are not expected. In fact, in the first year, shipments might not be significant. However, as some companies try the product, concrete ways to utilize it effectively will emerge."


Looking at Apple's future product roadmap, it is evident that Vision Pro is just the beginning of the company's AR and VR strategy. Rumors already suggest that Apple is developing a more affordable device for broader adoption.


Gebbie concluded, "It's a long-term view. It could be a journey of ten years, and Vision Pro is just the first step. Ultimately, Apple's goal in this spatial computing field is unquestionably AR smart glasses. These glasses represent the pinnacle of this field, a sort of nirvana. They could be particularly useful in the enterprise sector."



Apple's Vision Pro presents the possibility of making spatial computing more than just a consumer entertainment device. The device's focus on business usability and ecosystem fluidity may offer valuable applications in enterprise settings. While the initial demand might not be massive, it is expected that some forward-thinking companies will test and experiment with Vision Pro, gradually paving the way for more extensive adoption in the future. As the AR


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