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10 Behaviors Associated with High Functioning Anxiety

post tistory 2023. 7. 17.

10 Behaviors Associated with High Functioning Anxiety

10 Behaviors Associated with High Functioning Anxiety

High functioning anxiety is characterized by individuals who appear to have their lives together externally but experience intense anxiety internally. Here are 10 common behaviors associated with high functioning anxiety:






Overachieving: High-functioning anxiety often drives individuals to set excessively high standards for themselves, leading to a constant need to excel in various areas of life.


Constant Worrying: Persistent worrying about future events, personal performance, or the opinions of others is a hallmark of high functioning anxiety. It can make individuals excessively concerned about potential negative outcomes.


Seeking Reassurance: People with high functioning anxiety frequently seek reassurance from others to alleviate their anxious thoughts and gain validation for their actions or decisions.


Avoiding Mistakes: Fear of making mistakes can be overwhelming for individuals with high functioning anxiety. They may go to great lengths to avoid errors, striving for perfection in their pursuits.


People-Pleasing: A strong desire to please others and avoid conflict is common among those with high functioning anxiety. They may prioritize others' needs over their own and struggle to say no.


Overthinking and Analysis Paralysis: High-functioning anxiety often leads to overanalyzing situations and second-guessing decisions. Individuals may get stuck in a loop of indecision and overthinking potential outcomes.


Constant Need for Control: Anxiety can drive a need for control as a way to manage uncertainty and minimize potential triggers. This can manifest in a desire for strict routines, planning, and avoiding situations that feel unpredictable.


Difficulty Relaxing: Relaxation may be challenging for individuals with high functioning anxiety. They may struggle to quiet their minds, even during leisure time, as anxiety continues to occupy their thoughts.


Hyperresponsibility: Feeling responsible for everything and everyone can be a burden associated with high functioning anxiety. These individuals may take on excessive responsibilities to prevent potential negative outcomes.


Invisible Struggle: High-functioning anxiety often goes unnoticed by others due to the ability of individuals to mask their internal anxiety. This can lead to feelings of isolation and difficulty in seeking support.


Understanding these behaviors can help individuals with high functioning anxiety recognize their struggles and seek appropriate support. If you or someone you know resonates with these behaviors, consider reaching out to mental health professionals for guidance and assistance.


 #HighFunctioningAnxiety, #AnxietyBehaviors, #Overachieving, #ConstantWorrying, #SeekingReassurance, #AvoidingMistakes, #PeoplePleasing, #Overthinking, #Control, #DifficultyRelaxing, #Hyperresponsibility



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